Monday, August 10, 2009

Official Freak-out Day

August 10th. It is exactly a month until I leave for my semester abroad. Exactly a month before I move to a foreign country to live there for four months by myself and attend a school where I know no one. I had previously told myself that it was too early for me to start freaking out or worrying about the little things, so, being the planner I am, I designated an “official freak-out day.” Basically, a day where an appropriate amount of time is left before I leave to start freaking out and have it not be considered too premature. So, today is my official freak-out day. I think a month is an appropriate amount of time, since my preparations are becoming finalized and I am starting to buy things that I need to pack.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am a huge perfectionist, worry-wart, and planner, who likes everything to be under control and go according to plan. What a perfect thing for someone like me to do then, study abroad in a foreign country where uncertainty, unfamiliarity, and on-the-fly are the very definition of what I will experience. Naturally, I am starting to go crazy with worry and fear that I will be unprepared. Part of me realizes that I can’t really prepare for something like this and I need to just deal with the fact that things won’t go the way I plan. But nearly 21 years of being like this makes it difficult to just surrender. Part of my apprehension might be attributed to the fact that I have never lived away from home for more than a month, and I certainly have never been on my own so much as to not be familiar with anyone around me. Not only am I living on my own for the first time ever, I am doing it in a foreign country! I can’t come home on the weekends, I won’t have the constant contact with my family that I have now, I’ll have to do my own grocery shopping and laundry and (god-forbid) cooking. The decisions I make will be strictly my own and I will be held even more accountable for my actions than before. Decisions like: where I travel, who I go out with, when I go out, how often I spend studying versus seeing the sights. With no input from those who know me best, and no other outside perspective, I will need to have even more of a level head. Phew! No pressure!

Sometimes I wonder why I did this to myself, put myself in a situation where everything is so unfamiliar, when I know that it will drive me crazy. The only answer I can offer myself is that it isn’t me putting myself in this situation. It is God. Obviously on my own I would never have considered taking such a leap. It must be for a reason that I am doing something so uncharacteristic of myself. Without God using his amazing power to have me act contrary to what I normally would, the notion of studying abroad would still only be a good idea in theory and not a reality. The proof that this decision was not my own can be seen in the reaction I am having to it. I am currently feeling an extreme contrast of emotions that I didn’t even know were possible to experience simultaneously. I can’t wait yet I am scared out of my mind. I am having second thoughts, but I don’t regret my decision. I can’t sit still with anticipation, yet it is hard not to cry and cower in fear and worry. I am willing to trust in God that everything will work out, but I also want to be in control and have everything to be perfect.

A week ago I decided to surrender this area of my life to God, knowing that I will not be perfect at it at first and realizing that it will be far from easy. After I surrendered, I expected to feel a weight lift itself from my chest and be at peace immediately after, however, once again God has shown me that it is not about what I expect, since things haven’t been any easier this past week. But I am prepared for the struggles ahead of me and I know that this trip is something that I need to do. Even though it will be difficult and uncomfortable, and scary, I need to learn to trust God. I need to take this opportunity to become more independent and gain even more confidence. I know that even thought it is a scary prospect to be on my own in a foreign country, it is something I need to do and it will be good for me. I know that I will come out of this experience as an even stronger person than before. I know that this experience is something that I need to do in order to become a more successful adult and more self-assured person. I am scared senseless, but ready for the adventure to begin.

Bring it on!


  1. awesome, im really excited for you! God takes us on amazing journeys like this to teach us, to show us that His provision and instruction is unfailing and perfect. Sometimes our human perception assumes that things will be different just because your environment has changed, but you'll get to see that people are people and God is still God even in a place where "cheeky" is considered an adjective ;)

  2. Natalie your there!!!!!! praying for you~ we do miss your presence at CHCS. Be Blessed!
