Monday I was dead tired after Wales but I am a good girl and I went to class. My teacher was still sick, but we didn’t get to go home. Instead we had to join another group and the teacher was so boring and had an Indian accent that was also British, so I understood nothing. And we have a paper due next week for books that we haven’t discussed because our teacher hasn’t been here for two weeks. Great. After that it was creative writing, which wasn’t so bad except for the girl who smelled funny, who sat next to me for the three hour class. Pleasant. Then I walked home in the Arctic weather and made lunch. I then killed some time for Dani and Kelsey to work on their project then we all made dinner and I had one of my easy-mac packets. Awesome! After that we were very happy the rest of the night and got excited to help Kelsey and Hannah get ready to go out. I have class tomorrow so I stayed in and watched Merlin with Dani before going to bed.
End Day 39
Oct 19-Tues
Tuesday Dani and I went to class even though we have the same teacher I had yesterday, but we combined classes again. Super lame! Then it was time for my other creative writing class which was really fun (and usually is) compared to a boring radio recording of historians discussing the Odyssey (I fell asleep in that first class). Anyways, that class was fun and our teacher was cool, so I enjoyed it. Then Nick and I walked home in the wind and rain and struggled to keep our umbrellas from going inside out. By the time we got back, it looked like I was trying out a new look, called the wind-blown, drowned-rat look. I would like to thank the English weather for allowing this look to happen. Then we had dinner in our usual spot and Kelsey went out with her floor mates, so Dani and I watched Merlin again and finished season 1. Then Jesse invited us out to a pub called the Frog and Fiddle and him, Dani, Kelsey, Liz, Hannah, Nick, Katie, Jack and Sonny and me hung out a little while. They closed at 11 though (weird) so we came back to Regency, hung out, ate junk food, laughed and talked until I left to go take a shower and go to bed. Oh yeah, and no Christian Union tonight since no one would walk with me. :(
End Day 40
Oct 20-Wed
Wednesday I slept late and woke up to do some work. The Kelsey called me to see if I wanted to go to Tescos with her and Hannah. I needed food so I went with them. After that we came back and Hannah offered to make us dinner, her specialty “mash and veg.” She’s the best! Until dinner I came back to my room and updated my blog because I was a week behind already. After that it was time for dinner and Hannah made the most amazing cheesey mashed potatoes with veggies and chicken. It was delicious! Then we hung out more and decided to play games and then I left to go Skype with my older sister for 15 min.Then we played a guessing game where you have to guess the word on your forehead. No one guessed theirs except Dani, who saw it being written, haha. Then I came back to my room, took a shower, and Skyped with my family for our usual talk time. After that it was nearly 3am so I went to sleep.
End Day 41
Oct 22-Thurs
Thursday sucked. It started out not so bad, I woke up super late and worked on some homework and got started on my paper (due Wednesday). I felt good about being productive and I decided to do my laundry because I was down to my last pair of socks. After laundry my day got bad. A stupid red shirt, which I’d washed before, bled onto my other clothes. I freaked out then and ran over to One-Stop in the pouring rain to buy some bleach. They only had stain remover so I settled for that. Then I came back and covered the four shirts and towel in the stain remover and it stunk up my room. Then I had to pay an extra £2 to wash them again. Oh and the night before, someone threw up in the “lift”(elevator) and outside the lift on our floor, so the seven or so times I had to run up and down the stairs to check my laundry, it smelled like barf. Awesome. The

I then had dinner in Dani’s kitchen and Kelsey made tacos, and then Jesse invited me to go to a concert with him at the Park Campus. So me, him, and Katie walked there for the 7:30 show but it didn’t start until 10 and by 9:30 I had left to go get ready for propaganda. I was upset that my bad day seemed to get worse, so we went out to the club. But tonight was the second best night at Blush for a while and I owe it to my awesome friends. Great end to a not-so-great day! Yay!
End Day 42
Oct 23-Fri
Friday I slept in and had breakfast around lunch time. Then I killed some time on the computer and I eventually decided that I needed to start my paper for my EX 122 class, which is due on Wednesday. So I selected the passages from the books and titled the paper. I was going to start writing it but then I realized that I don’t know the way to format papers here. I looked all over the school website and tried to look through notes I took in class but nothing told me how big the margins should be, what line spacing to do, if there is a header, how to write the title, if I need footnotes, etc…So I panicked for a second, then e-mailed the head of the course, since my teacher is unreachable. Then I had nothing to do so I went to Kelsey’s room to hangout and we brought frozen dinners to Dani’s floor to eat dinner. Then we all met Liz’s friend “Diz” (Michael Dizzley) and we all hung out and talked. Then Dani and Kelsey went to the “big Tescos”(20-30 min walk) which is like Walmart, and bought Trivial Pursuit and we played that (very British oriented) and Apples to Apples which Diz and Jesse loved. Then it was late so we planned for the roast dinner tomorrow and then decided to go to bed.
End Day 43
Oct 24-Sat
Saturday I woke up late and took my time with breakfast so I didn’t have to write my paper. I ended up forcing myself to do it, though it was painful and after 3 hours I had a 1263 word essay for a 1200 word requirement! Success! And I did it correctly since the teacher said there is no special format except double spacing and indenting long quotes. Now I just have to hope it gets a good grade and my American spelling is ignored, haha. By that time it was nearly 6pm and I headed down for dinner at about 7pm. The roast dinner (roast beef, potatoes, broccoli, and Yorkshire pudding with gravy) was amazing! Kelsey, Liz, Jesse Dani, Diz, Greg and I enjoyed the “family” dinner together. Then Greg went off to watch X-Factor (like American Idol) and the rest of us took a trip to Big Tesco for dessert. We got there 10 min before it closed though, so we didn’t get much. I ended up making my warm delight and it was so awesome! Then we played Trivial Pursuit again and us Americans really failed at it again, but it was fun to try to guess the answers. Then we played Zombie Fluxx twice and I got tired and came back to my room. Then I took a shower, changed my clocks for daylight savings time and went to sleep. Fun Fact: UK changes their clocks a week before the USA. Weird.
End Day 44
Oct 25-Sun
Sunday I didn’t go to church again because no one seems to want to go with me any

End Day 45
Like the updates! Miss you! Take it easy on the drinking...
It's not as bad as you think. That week was really bad, but we are never doing that again. It wasnt fun for anyone and we decided to not do that anymore.Don't worry! :)