Monday I only had one class, since it is “reading week” which means everyone is supposed to work on their or catch up on reading. It was my 1:15 class I had so got to sleep in an extra two hours! Yeah! That class was only an hour so I came back, hung out and ate lunch. Then I got this weird phone call about a meeting with the Americans because supposedly we are being too loud and drunk in the halls. So a bunch of us showed up and no one was there to talk to us. It turned out it was a prank…we think. It was lame so we just went back to our rooms and I went to hang out with Dani and Kelsey. Then we ate an early dinner so we could get to FCH by 6pm for our BCA meeting and lecture on Stonehenge, which we are going to on Saturday. It was very interesting and made me excited. Did you know: After you die they can tell where you lived for a certain time by the calcium deposits from water on your teeth? Cool huh? After that we had a homework session since Hannah, Liz, Kelsey and I had assignments due this week. Then Liz’s boyfriend came over for the next few days and we had pizza again and cookies and Kelsey and Dani helped me understand my 1934 vesion of MacBeth by acting it out and summarizing it. Then we listened to old music and relived our adolescence. Then I went to sleep.
End Day 46
Oct 27-Tues
Tuesday I only had my mythology class in the morning. So Dani and I walked there and we watched the Odyssey in class. I fell asleep for the first 10 mins then Dani and I started to write notes and pass a notebook back and forth. That was way more entertaining that the movie. The I printed my literature essay and turned in tin to the hand-in center. Whew! Done! Then I came back to the halls and went online. Then I was going to take a nap but Kelsey facebook messaged me and asked me to go to Tesco with her and shopping for a Halloween costume. So we went to a couple different stores. Kelsey got some red shoes and white tights for her elf costume and I bought a blue dress, white tights, and a black headband for my Alice in Wonderland costume. I just need a white apron and I am going out with Dani tomorrow to find it. Then we came back and were ready to have dinner when the fire alarm went off. Uggg! But this time it was a real fire! Jack set his oven on fire accidentally. After that we went back in to have a dinner of pizza (oven kind) and garlic bread. Then we were really bored for the rest of the night and it dragged on and on. We played games, talked in the hallway, chatted with Ryan and Sonny and then went to bed.
End Day 46
Oct 28-Wed
Wednesday started bright and early at 7am with the fire alarm going off. Again. This one had no reason to it but I heard that it was getting fixed or something. Then we finally got back in at 7:30 and I was drifting off again when it went off again for like 30 seconds and then turned off. Ugggg! It then proceeded to do that like 6 more times during the morning so I eventually gave up on sleeping in. So I’m exhausted now. Then Dani and I went out to get last minute Halloween costume stuff and went to TK Max in the mall, called the Regent Arcade. It was really fun to browse around but I was severly disappointed in the lack of plain white aprons in Cheltenham. All the ones I found had like kitties or roosters on them. Lame. So I settled for a tank-top and a pillow case. It actually works way better than I thought it would. Thanks to Dani for the idea! Then we got Burger King to go and brought some back for Kelsey (working on essay) and ate in the dorms. We then wanted to see a movie but decided to wait and watch a movie in tonight. I went to go talk to my sister on Skype and when I got back no one wanted to watch a movie except me and Dani so we watched Hairspray since I’d never seen it. Then I skyped with family more and went to bed.
End Day 47
P.S. In every store we went in today, there was some kind of beeping or alarm sound. It following us everywhere!!
Oct 29-Thurs
Thursday I was very productive and I got my two writing assignments done for my two creative writing classes. Then I hung around my room and listened to music until Dani and Kelsey got back from class. Aft

End Day 48
Oct 30-Fri
Friday I woke up late and sent my creative writing assignments to my teachers. Then I sat around and got bored so I went up to Dani’s room with Kelsey and we palnned our flat’s Halloween party and decorated the kitchen. Then we decided to go to “Big Tesco” for more decorations and party supplies. So we walked there. Oh wait, I forgot that Dani, Kelsey, Cambria and I watched Hocus Pocus in Kelsey’s room to ge tin the Halloween spirit. Anyways, we bought more than we plan
Then along the way Kelsey lost her phone and Dani got a text from it saying “tell whoever owns this that they dropped it and can come pick it up.” So Liz texted and asked if we could get I back and they said they live by Regency Halls, across from One-Stop , just the road over. We asked them to meet us at Blockbuster across the street but he said “I am watching my little brother and can’t leave.” That sounded dodgy because we couldn’t figure out how he found the phone at 1am if he couldn’t leave. Dani was freaked out and told us not to go and it did sound shady but we took 5 of us and Jacob (like 6’2” and huge) for protection. It ended pretty anti-climactically with some kid going “here you go” and us going “thanks.” But it was an adventure and one I wont forget. Oh and we also stole Jesse’s Halloween wig and left a ransom note for it, but it ended up we stole his friend’s wig on accident and he figured out it was us anyways since it demanded 10 bags of sweets. Oh well. It was fun. Crazy day!
End Day 49
Oct 31-Sat
Saturday we had to wake up early to get on the bus to go to Stonehenge with BCA. I was really tired because we were up late the night before making snacks and finishing d

End Day 50
Nov 1-Sun
Sunday I woke up with a swollen eye. It was earlier than I wanted and my eye hurt so I was really mad. I tried putting a cold compress on it for a bit and I tried squeezing it because I thought there was a zit on my eyelid. Then I realized it was a stye, so I put a warm compress on it and told Stephanie and Katelyn I wouldn’t be able to go to church. So I kept reapplying the warm compress and did some devotions instead. Then I got ready to go to the Tan Dog’s football (soccer) game like last week. This week there were more people to come watch so they had a lot of loud supportive friends to cheer them on. Then we walked back and me, Kelsey, Dani, Hannah, and Jesse decied to go for dinner at 8:30 at Wetherspoons because it is cheap and Kelsey wanted to see Anthoony (cute waiter) again. Anthony wasn’t there but the food was good and we had fun hanging out with each other. Then we came back and all of us plus Ryan played Apples to Apples for a little bit and Hannah and Ryan loved it. Then we all decided to do homework so I came back, nursed my eye, did some homework and uploaded my pictures from the weekend.
End Day 51
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