Monday wasn’t too terribly thrilling. I had to go to class with barely any make-up on and a swollen eye, so that was fun, and it was my late day since I had a workshop. Wonderful. And my eye hurt the whole time and I felt like it was taking up my whole face. Then I walked back home in crazy cold weather and the cold hurt my eye more. Stupid stye! Then I came back and Kelsey, Dani and I ate dinner quickly to go to the BCA lecture/meeting about the British Healthcare system, or the NHS. I was already tired and it wasn’t the most stimulating so I fell asleep. It seemed like everyone else did too. Then we came back to the dorms and Dani, me, Kelsey, Hannah, Jade, and Greg played Spoons, Blackjack, and Bull. It was fun and we all had a good time bonding as a flat. They said Kelsey and I are their flatmates even if we don’t live there. I’ll miss them so much when I leave! Sad! Oh and Greg really wanted to play Trivial Pursuit so we ended the night with that and then went to sleep.
End Day 52
Nov 3-Tues
Tuesday it rained so much and there were crazy artic winds. Yuck! I busted out my scarf, big wool jacket, and rain boots to walk to class. I felt very British and very warm. But I could have gone without my umbrella going inside-out like 20 times. Not cool, umbrella! I’m thinking of getting a British one because my poor southern California umbrella can’t handle torrential British rain. Anyways, after class I tried to start my paper, due Tuesday after we get back from Pars, but I got distracted. Then I went to go have dinner with my adopted floor mates and hung out for a bit. Then Jesse said he wanted cookie dough ice cream and suggested we go to Tesco but then he ditched us for his friends house so we went to One-Stop and didn’t buy him any ice cream (they also didn’t have any). Then we tried to have a study/homework session in the kitchen and we were kinda productive for a while before I fell asleep and then Jesse distracted us, haha. Then we paused our work, ate some sweets, talked and hung out some more. Then I called it a night since tomorrow I need to do my paper, my laundry, and pack for Paris on Thursday for the weekend. Yay!
End Day 53
Nov 4-Wed
Wednesday things did not go according to plan. I planned on waking up around 12:30 or 1 to do my laundry, my essay, and pack for Paris the next day, but I ended up waking up at 2:30 and panicking. I got dressed, ran to the laundry room and saw that there were no free washers, so I came back to my room, had breakfast, started my paper, and finally put my laundry in at 3:30. Then I waited for laundry to be done and did more of my paper. It was 500 something words out of 1200 when Dani told me to come to her kitchen for dinner. Then we hung out in there, had an ice cream party after Dani and Kelsey bought Jesse some cookie dough ice cream. Then we saran-wrapped Jesse’s door after he went to go lie down. Kelsey, Hannah, and Katie got ready to go out to a club or a pub but I didn’t want to go and neither did Dani, so we just watched them run around and get ready. Then I went back to my room to Skype with my sister and fold my laundry. Then I started to pack for Paris (we leave tomorrow at noon) and took a shower. After that I skyped my mom, tried to work on more of my paper, and went to sleep. Paris, here we come! Yay!
End Day 54
Nov 5-Thurs
Thursday was a day of mishaps and adventures. I woke up around 9:30 got ready and then went to have breakfast in Dani’s kitchen with Jesse. Then we left to go to the bus station but didn’t allow enough time and we got there right as the bus was driving away. So we were angry and had to buy new tickets for the 1:25 bus and hope that it got to London in time for our 4:25 Eurostar. The bus didn’t get to Victoria Station until 4:05 and we got a Taxi right away to St. Pancras Station, but traffic was crazy and we had to pay a £17 taxi fare to get us there 20 min late. So we then had to go to the Eurostar ticket office and crossed our fingers that we could get on another train. Thankfully the man was nice and put us on the very next train and we didn’t need to pay extra for another ticket! Yay! So we got on the Eurostar and headed to Paris (3 hour ride, with my ears popping from pressure changes every once in a while). We finally arrived in Paris and found our way to the Metro to get to our hostel. We found it alright, after going to McDonalds and checked in, only to discover that our “all girls room” had a guy in it (Chung-we found out his name after seeing his train ticket he left on the pillow, he missed his train and had to stay an extra night) who was mad he had roommates. He’s leaving tomorrow though. Then we decided to walk around a little, after I thought I lost my wallet and had a minor (major) panic attack. I found it in my bag though, so its all good. Oh and I learned my phrase for the weekend: “Je suis American” which means “I am American” which is code for “I don’t understand you, don’t talk to me.” Then we went to McDonalds again fro desert, went on the computers at our hostel (called Absolute Paris) with confusing French keyboards, then decided to go to bed. Ready to conquer Paris tomorrow! Yeayuh! Oh, and I realized I forgot pajama pants. Sleeping in jeans I guess. Lovely.
End Day 55
P.S. The ham and cheese melt sandwich I got on the Eurostar on the way to Paris is a classic French meal, cool!
Nov 6-Fri
Friday (Day 1 in Paris) started at 10:30 and we got croissants at a cute little café. Oh and we were all really tired because we didn’t sleep well and Chung woke us up this morning to catch his train by turning
After Notre Dame, we slowed the pace and looked in some souvenir shops before going back to the Louvre. We got in free (yay!) and got to see the Mona Lisa (who I found o
End Day 56
P.S. Annoying things about Paris: cigarette smoke EVERYWHWRE! Beggars being annoying and street vendors being persistent. French phrases: Satie-exit, Merci-Thank you, Bonjour-Good Day, Je ne comprends pas, je suis American- I do not undertand, I am American.
Nov 7-Sat
Saturday (day 2 of Paris) started with none of us wanting to wake up because we were so tired from the day before. We eventually got up and got some croissants again from the same place as yesterday. Yum! Then we
From there we walked for a long time down Avenue de Rivloi (or Raviloi Road as we referred to it) where like a bajillion other people were also walking so it was crowded and annoying. We happened upon the Hotel de Ville and crossed the street to find some souvenir sho
End Day 57
P.S. Kelsey said I was “so English” when I whipped out my umbrella at the Bastille. Also, I thought the restaurant lady was telling me to go to the bathroom under the bar when she pointed down, then I saw the stairs behind me,lol. Hopefully getting my crepe tomorrow!
Nov 8-Sun
Sunday we woke up and checked out of the hostel around 11am and said goodbye to Chewy (Chawki) the hostel owner who became our friend. Then we headed to a café for breakfast so I could get my crepe. I finally got it and it had strawberry jam in it! Yum! After that we were all low on cash so we walked to the train station and ended up sitting around for about 2 ½ hours. We finally got to check in but then found out our train was delayed. Nice. So we waited around more and looked in some shops in the station. Then it was time to board the train and once we got on we got food (no ham and cheese melt this time), and slept on and off. Once we arrived in St. Pancras in London we had to find a bus to take us to Victoria Station to catch our bus back to Cheltenham. We had a hard time finding the Coach Station (again) and asked for directions like 5 times. We finally found it with like 10 mins to spare and made it to our bus! Yay! Then we sat in traffic, or “deplorable traffic” as the driver described it, for like 2 hours, so the ride home was really annoying and long. Plus my seat kept falling back and I kept apologizing to the guy behind me. He was nice though. Once we got back to Regency we went to Dani’s kitchen, had “dinner” at 10pm, and told Jesse, Katie, Liz, and Hannah about our Paris adventures. Then I unpacked and collapsed,haha.
End Day 58
I'm so jealous....but glad you had a great time.