Tuesday I was so tired all day. I only got four hours of sleep before I had to be up early for class. Then the lecture was so boring and pointless and I had an hour in between my classes but it wasn’t enough time to leave for a nap. Lame. After my last class I came back to my room and had lunch, then took a nap. Then I got up and folded my clothes and packed for Holland. After that is was dinner time so we ate together in Dani’s kitchen and hung out with our friends and told them about Scotland. Then Dani and I watched Glee in her room but were interrupted by Liz coming in and sparking random conversations about death penalties, bad ways to die, and September 11th. After that really random but interesting conversation we finished Glee and I came back to my room to Skype with family and have some ice cream. Then I finished last minute packing for my early start tomorrow and went to sleep since I was so exhausted!! I am excited/nervous for tomorrow and travelling alone and meeting all of these people. Should be fin! Yay!
End Day 67
Nov 18-Wed (Holland day ½)
Wednesday Oh what a day! I woke up crazy early to get on the National Express to London. Luckily I was on time and there were no issues. I slept on the way there since I was exhausted still from the weekend. Then we got to Victoria Station and I went to the Easybus stop but was too early and they wouldn’t let me get on. So I went souvenir shopping and waited for my bus. A bus came at 12:30 and I thought it was my 12:40 bus but it was the 12:20 running late and again the guy wouldn’t let me on. Then at 12:50 another bus came but it was for the 1:00 bus and he wasn’t going to let us on but me and this other girl persuaded him. Then there was horrendous traffic, (surprise, surprise) out of London from a car accident, apparently a lorry (truck) overturned! Then I started getting nervous about missing check in which closed at 3:10 and we did end up pulling in at 3:10 and missed it. Great. First time travelling alone and I miss the plane. Luckily I got on the next one but then I realized people would be waiting for me off the earlier plane and I had no way to contact them and let them know. So the next three hours was devoted to that. My dad e-mailed them and I tried Ada’s number on the pay phone, my phone, and the airline lady’s phone. Nothing. Then I thought I should call the Amsterdam airport and have them make an announcement but I couldn’t get through with anything again. So I gave up and got some food from Burger King then went to board the plane.
Everything was fine after that and I was greeted in Amsterdam by Heleen and her brother-in-law Lex and they drove me to Aty’s (great aunt) where tons of cousins were waiting for me. Ahhh! Crazy! But they made me very welcome at home and I ate a sausage, cabbage and rice dinner, yum! Then we talked about family, saw old pictures, and they gave me a family tree thing to remember everyone. Then we went over the plan for the next few days and I called my mom then went to sleep. Crazy day! Ahhh! Looking forward to tomorrow!
End Day 68
Nov 19-Thurs (Day 1 in Holland)
Thursday started at about 10 am with breakfast then walking to the train station to spend the day in Amsterdam.
End Day 29
Nov 20-Fri(Day 2 in Holland)
Friday started with breakfast at Aty’s house then saying goodbye to her house since we were going to Johan’s then to Ellen’s and her children’s, my second cousins. We had a snac
After that we went b
End Day 70
Nov 21-Sat
Saturday started bright and early at 7:30 am when Ellen and I left to go to the Schipol airport so I could fly back to England. Thankfully everything with this flight was fine and I made it in time. Then I slept on the plane and went to catch my Easybus back to Victoria Station. Oh, I forgot, I got soooo many Dutch goodies that I had to pay 22 Euro to check an extra bag, haha. Anyways, at Victoria I had lunch then had about 3 hours to wait until my National Express coach came, so I bought some sweets, nestled with my luggage in a corner and read a book. Finally it was time to come back to Cheltenham and I slept the whole way home. So nice! But then I had to lug all my bags back, like 5 miles to Regency in the cold, wind, and rain. And it was super crowded on Sat evening. Awesome. That wasn’t so fun, but I made it back alive (barely) and in one piece. I unpacked all my stuff when I got to my room and then decided to look at all of my gifts and souvenirs. I’m not sure what happened next, but I remember falling asleep at the computer, so I went to sleep early from sheer exhaustion.
End Day 71
Nov 22-Sun
Sunday I slept until 3pm but I didn’t even feel bad about being lazy since I really badly needed the rest. I had “breakfast” then Dani called me to go to Tesco with her and maybe go out to dinner too. I wasn’t so hungry since I’d eaten an hour and a half before, but I ordered nachos at Wetherspoons because I knew I’d be hungry later. Then we went to go to Tesco but it was closed since it was Sunday so we came back to Regency and watched Glee! Then Kelsey was back from visiting her friend in York so we hung out and then decided to watch a film. We watched “She’s the Man” in my room since Dani had never seen it and we just saw Twelfth Night in Stratford, which it was based off of. Jesse joined us too, in my room and I shared my plethora of Dutch sweets with everyone. Oh and I locked myself out of my room before we watched the movie. Smart. Then I took a shower after everyone left and uploaded my Scotland and Holland pictures then went to bed. Oh, and Rome is all booked for this weekend! Yay!
End Day 72
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