Monday and last day of November. Only 12 days left! :( I went to class but only had my lit class until 1pm since my prose class is over for the semester. I actually spoke up in class today and I think some people didn’t know I was American because it was like a movie scene where heads turned towards me. Weird. Then I came back to Regency and worked on my 4 papers I have due in the next 2 weeks. So fun. Then I had dinner in Dani’s kitchen and we planned a game night. Then we went out to One-Stop, even though it was absolutely freezing, to buy snacks and other random items. Then we came back and had a cheese, cracker, and wine party while me, Jade, Hannah, Katy, Kelsey, Liz and Dani played Trivial Pursuit, American 1990s edition. It was harder than we expected but in the end Jade and I tied for first place with Liz and Dani. We killed about 2 and a half hours with that game and didn’t even finish all the way, but we got tired of it. Then everyone went back to their rooms so I came back and worked on some work, uploaded Rome pictures, tried to do some of my blog, ripped the Beatles 1 album that Jack loaned me, and went to sleep.
End Day 80
Dec 1-Tues
Tuesday I went to my last lecture for my Myth class with Dani. Then I went to my last class for Autobiography and I was so sad because I loved that class and everyone in it. My teacher also brought “mince pies” for everyone since they are a Christmas food tradition in England. They originally had mince meat in them but today they are like little pies or pastries with raisins, sugar, and other stuff in it. I wasn’t a big fan of them. Then I came back and worked on my final paper for that class. At dinner time Dani called me and told me to just eat on my own floor since they’d already eaten, so I had dinner in my kitchen with Tia. Then I went and watched Glee with Dani and we got chocolate cravings so we decided to order cookie dough desert from Pizza Hut and us, Liz, Hannah, and Kelsey ate our deserts and hung out. We then played music, talked and watched funny videos on Youtube. After that I decided that I should start working on my other final papers for my classes so I came back to my room and did more writing. I then decided to go to sleep since I couldn’t stay awake at my computer.
End Day 81
Dec 2-Wed
Wednesday I woke up around 12:30 and got ready for the day. Then I did some more writing until about 2:30 when I planned to go shopping for Christmas presents. I called Dani, who wanted to shop too, but she said she’d meet me out later. So at 3 I went down to the Regent Arcade (mall) and went shopping. I then met up with Dani while I was out and we kept shopping together. Then we walked down the Promenade and saw it all lit up and Christmas-y and adorable. There were also cute little street booths set up to sell jewelry, scarves, bags, art, food, toys, and a bunch of other stuff. It was so cute and festive with the Christmas music playing and Dani and I sipping our hot chocolate. It was so fun! Then we got Burger King for dinner and brought it back to the halls since I needed to register for my classes next semester. Luckily I got what I wanted for Jan term and Spring. Yay! After that I had my dinner in Dani’s kitchen then hung out until it was time to Skype my sister. I Skyped her then worked on my final essays some more until it was time to Skype everyone else. Then I stayed up until 3 finishing one of my papers. Yay!
End Day 82
Dec 3-Thurs
Thursday I woke up and went to put my last load of laundry here but they were all full so I came back to my room to eat and start one of my papers. I finally put my laundry in at 3 pm and I spent the time waiting for it to be done by working on my assignments and listening to the Beatles CD I downloaded from Jack. Yay! When I got to 500 words of my 1500 word essay, Dani called me to tell me to come eat dinner, so I did and left briefly to get my laundry out before someone else took it out and I lost another sock. After dinner Dani and I went out to One-Stop to buy snacks to have while we work on our essays and some alcohol to play drinking games. After we got back, I went to go get ready to go out to Propaganda that night. After I was ready, we played ‘role call’ and ‘ring of fire’ before we decided to stop and hang out. Then we went to Blush and I had tons of fun! And Jade came! After Blush we went to get chips from Turkish Delight and ate them in Hannah and Dani’s kitchen. Then I came back to my room and went to sleep.
End Day 83
Dec 4-Fri
Friday I woke up late since I stayed up to fold laundry the night before. So I got up, showered, and started working on more of my paper that is due Wednesday. I worked on it for about 3 hours and it was a very painful, yet successful 3 hours because I only have about 300 or so more words to write for it. Then I was about ready to go insane so I took a break from it and went to go have dinner with Dani and Kelsey. After dinner we just hung out in the kitchen because we were all putting off work and were bored. We played Sudoku and Mario Brothers on Dani’s gameboy and talked about random things. At one point we were all in Liz’s room with Katy, doing our own separate activities and not talking to each other but it wasn’t awkward and it was kinda nice. Then I went with Kelsey to wait to be let back in her room since she locked herself out and we talked a little bit with Sandy. After that me, Kelsey, and Katy killed more time in the kitchen talking and eating before I decided to come back to my room since it was nearly 1 am. Then I went to sleep.
End Day 84
Dec 5-Sat
Saturday was a very fun and eventful day! Well the end of it was. The beginning, well middle of the day, I woke up and finished my paper for lit! Yay! Accomplishment! Then I went online and talked to Dani o
End Day 85
Dec 6-Sun
Sunday I woke up pretty late and got ready for the day by 3pm. When I first looked out my window I thought it was snowing and I got all excited because it looked l

End Day 86
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